When obstacles don't stop you, they motivate you
Overcoming obstacles requires will, effort, positive attitude, perseverance, motivation and much more.
Overcoming obstacles requires will, effort, positive attitude, perseverance, motivation and much more.
Gratitude leads to a sense of purpose and a desire to do more. People who actively practice gratitude are more effective at achieving their goals.
Gratitude is said to have long-term effects on our health as well. When people are grateful, it is reflected in our physical health.
Thinking about how to win the competition and how to retain the best talent is more important today than ever. How to reward those who do well and convince them to stay with you?
Fear. A toxic emotion. An emotion that arouses shame; an emotion that paralyzes and an emotion that is difficult to overcome. Why is it so hard to overcome fear and why is it so hard to talk about it?